Assalammualaikum and good day everyone!

This is my first ever reflection for the Educational Technology class. Reflections which will cost me large percentage of marks. Hence, I am trying my best to produce good reflections; honestly.

My expectations are high for this course as I still remember how fun it was to learn so many new things when I was in semester 1, enrolled in the Computer in Education course.

So, the first class was held in computer lab 1 and we were asked to introduce ourselves briefly… on Padlet! Yes, Padlet! I was familiar with the website as well as its functions and it was a great way to start the class as it made everyone excited to see something that we had use before. This was a great platform to get to know each other, besides verbally introduce ourselves. Padlet is a website which enables everyone to share thoughts and ideas simultaneously. It was very easy to be used and interactive. I can definitely apply it when I am with my students later on. Introverts who rarely share their thoughts can do so freely by using this website. This was the template where each one of us introduced ourselves by “sticking” our writings to the page.


That was the first exposure for us and I wanted more! Thus, Dr. Rosseni gave me just that. She asked us to register for MOOC and join the Educational Technology community. It was not my first time using it, but I did not even explore the application thoroughly before. I had a hunch that somehow, this course will make me use the MOOC very frequently. It was good that we were exposed to this as it is one of the first steps towards using technology as a means for education purposes. The MOOC is a place where courses are compiled and those who registered can join any courses they wanted freely. It is a good platform indeed as we can share and browse through any substance from others; not only from UKM. This is a screenshot of one of the pages in MOOC.


The applications are good pedagogical methods and they will surely broaden the education system to a new horizon. Then, Dr. Rosseni told us about the assignments that we are going to work on this semester. I am prepared for anything this semester and I do hope that I will excel.